Monday, January 11, 2010

Samsung Touch Remote hands-on photos

HT to cellodude on the IV MB:

>>Samsung Touch Remote hands-on photos

The remote itself looks and feels like a mobile phone, complete with haptic feedback and sound effects found on existing Samsung handsets. The screen is pretty vibrant too. One thing we must say is that it was incredibly responsive to our commands and very easy to use. Taking on a mobile phone exterior also gives the impression it will smash into a thousand pieces if dropped on the floor, so the utmost care will be needed - you won't be able to treat this one like your bog standard Freeview remote.

Samsung's Touch Remote is one of those gadgets that you don't really need but it wold be incredibly awesome if you had one.

The Touch Remote is not exclusive to the C9000 and will be available as an accessory for a selection of LED LCD TVs.

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