Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Breaking News: Qantas to trial in-flight Wi-Fi, tablets ZDNet / Cloud / Story OrionVM taps Equinix S3 for expansion


>>Local start-up OrionVM has taken capacity at the new Equinix S3 datacentre in Sydney, as the cloud infrastructure start-up continues its efforts to crack the $1 million revenue milestone.

The move marks a period of renewed success for the company, which recently took out the broadband innovation award at the Tech23 showcase, planning to use the $25,000 prize money to fund marketing and development and an overseas expansion in an attempt to generate $1 million in the current financial year.


"The migration into Equinix Sydney3 allows us to push forward a couple of new features we have been working on. Most of these features required the increased transit and power capacity offered by the new facility," he said.

The move will also allow it to cut costs. Yeo said that bandwidth prices would drop by at least 15 per cent (overall pricing is being finalised).

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