Monday, November 7, 2011

Longsight ready to expand into Equinix CH3 data center

The Longsight Group is proud to announce the addition of a new data center to support growth, performance, and high reliability of services for our hosted clients. As service and storage use continued to expand, we explored new space in top-tier data centers. Equinix has long had a top reputation in the data center industry. Our conversations with Equinix all pointed to the CH3 facility in Chicago as their premier facility, a building that has never suffered power downtime in its existence.

Servers don’t like to lose power, and we’ve made substantial investments to date to ensure that our systems would never lose power via separate A and B power feeds. Our investment at Equinix CH3 includes four 208v power feeds to each rack in an A/B configuration. Equinix CH3 provides N+1 redundancy with full UPS systems and backup generators if utility power fails.

Two additional points made our decision to choose Equinix straightforward: 1) A 24x7 security team, every door leading to our cage secured with biometric hand readers, interlocking doors (“mantraps”), and scanning of all equipment entering and leaving the building, and 2) The ability to purchase bandwidth from a huge array of providers instead of being forced to purchase bandwidth from the data center owner. Equinix is a carrier-neutral data center, and we have chosen Internap, a provider of aggregated bandwidth services for our connectivity.

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