Monday, February 15, 2010

Germany's 2nd CK installed in Soest

from the IV MB, by yyy60:

>>Germany's 2nd CK installed in Soest

** The 3rd and 4th CK in Germany will be in Güstrow and Cologne (Koln) **

** translated from German **

CyberKnife now comes into the hospital Soest

15/02/2010 · SOEST - The CyberKnife is delivered today morning at City Hospital in Soest. This is a prelude to a new era in an urban hospital. The four million euro spectrometer for tumor treatment is able to fight even outbreaks that have hitherto been extremely difficult or even were inoperable.

The device is housed in a strahlungssicheren bunker. Over the next few weeks will test whether all requirements are satisfied, the radiation protection.

Probably in the course of April, the unit will go into operation.

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