Sunday, July 5, 2009

Colotastrophe: The Day After

from Locus Lingua blog, a few addition infos from a customer's point of view:

>>Colotastrophe: The Day After

Our servers are a bunch of primadonnas. They demand to be pampered in the greatest colocation facility in the world (if you agree with the video of Fisher Plaza touting that fact), resting on pillows of AC and fed power in Waterford crystal goblets. We literally pay more for the 5 cabinets that house the servers* than we do our entire Groundspeak office - and then some.

To set the stage, we have been hosted at Internap in the Fisher Plaza since 2002 and in that time have only had 2 significant events that related directly to facility issues. The last issue lasted around 8 hours while this one is, by far, the most signficant downtime in the history of the web site. In total we had 29 hours of downtime. Unfortunately the 29 hours were during the geocaching peak season on the busiest weekend of the year and, to compound things, a day off from work for many. The Fates were definitely conspiring to pick the worst day to bring the site down.

What Didn't Work

Although I won't finger point at the cause of this issue, I will point out that Fisher Plaza people lacked any official communication with the first responders at the scene. Many clients of the building were in the dark, both figuratively and literally, while we were waiting outside for news of what really happened. Instead we had to join in on Twitter to figure out what happened. Was it a fire? (yes) Did the sprinklers turn on? (yes) OMG! Our machines are fried! (no. just the generator) If someone walked out of the building with some authority and told us what they knew - we could have passed that information on to our customers. Internap did a relatively good job at giving status updates though they were sparse and sometimes repeated. I'd give Internap a C and Fisher Plaza an F for communication.

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