Saturday, August 21, 2010

Analysis of Competition on Horizon for iPad

from Seeking Alpha:

>>None of the would-be competitors of the iPad (AAPL) , have fielded a serious challenger. None of the pad-like Android devices on the market now are close to the iPad’s quality, and all are demonstrably short of features. For the most part, they are cheap knockoffs, and all the cheapness of design and construction are apparent to anyone who picks one up.

A more serious challenge is expected soon from Samsung one of the most competent Korean manufacturers. The Galaxy 7, pictured below, is close to a formal announcement that it will be on dealer shelves sometime in September. Samsung makes high quality products, and they have several years’ experience working with ARM chips with touch-screen control. Their new tablet should be able to stand up to the iPad in quality and in features. It will be one of the best tests of how well the Android will do on an expanded screen size.

Samsung Galaxy 7

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