Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Immersion new patent: Physically realistic computer simulation of medical procedures

United States Patent 7,573,461
Rosenberg August 11, 2009

Physically realistic computer simulation of medical procedures


An apparatus for interfacing the movement of a shaft with a computer includes a support, a gimbal mechanism having two degrees of freedom, and three electromechanical transducers. When a shaft is engaged with the gimbal mechanism, it can move with three degrees of freedom in a spherical coordinate space, where each degree of freedom is sensed by one of the three transducers. A fourth transducer can be used to sense rotation of the shaft around an axis.

Inventors: Rosenberg; Louis B. (Mountain View, CA)
Assignee: Immersion Corporation (San Jose, CA)
Appl. No.: 11/725,958
Filed: March 19, 2007

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