Thursday, February 18, 2010

Turkey's 5th CK begins service on Feb 18, 2010

from the IV MB, by yyy60:

Turkey's 5th CK begins service on Feb 18, 2010

** Turkish Ministry of Health purchased two CK last June for installation in Istanbul and Ankara. The CK at U of Istanbul becomes operational this month. This is the 5th CK in Turkey **

** translated from Turkish **
AjansBIR (News Portal in Turkey)

Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Oncology treatment planning new devices will enter into service on February 18, 2010

In the institute opened a new chapter with robotic equipment Cyberknife radiotherapy equipment, motion-sensitive device RapidArc radiotherapy, and optimal use of the devices to ensure that the movement-sensitive (4D, temporal axis of the four-dimensional) computer tomography and planning system, a new simulator, superficial irradiation device and brachytherapy unit will enter the application. This device and the computerized inventory system and planning with professional staff in the area of Istanbul University Institute of Oncology with the world's most advanced radiotherapy equipment is becoming central.

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